Monday, November 9, 2009

Muslim Pedophilia is alive and well in the Show Me State.

Mosby mo pedophilia muslim Well, this is pretty sick.

From the Kansas City Star. (h/t The Last Crusade)

(How very MSM of them - you actually have to read down to paragraph 7 to find out that there's a MOSQUE involved. The name of the mosque is never mentioned BTW. Here's a list of mosques located in Jackson County, Mo. Any ideas which one it is? Why aren't they facing charges as well?)

<--- Vincent Mosby - proud Muslim husband. He got a 14 year old for a ring and a watch from Walmart .

"Vincent Mosby signed a marriage contract and paid a dowry in a religious ceremony in August, police said.

Mosby, 23, of Kansas City didn’t legally wed his 14-year-old bride, however, because Missouri law won’t allow it without a judge’s order. Police said she was pressured into the union because her mother and stepfather thought she was going to be sexually active with a boy her age.

Although the bride’s stepfather arranged the “marriage,” according to court records, other relatives frowned upon the union and told police in late August. The relatives also took the girl to protect her from further sexual abuse, according to court records.

A relative told police that Mosby called and threatened violence if family members didn’t “give me back my wife in 72 hours,” according to court records. Two days later, on Sept. 9, someone fired three shots into the Kansas City home of the girl’s aunt. No one was hit.

Police arrested Mosby on Saturday for his alleged sexual relationship with the teenager. Jackson County prosecutors on Sunday filed one count of statutory rape. A judge set a $100,000 cash-only bond.

Police said the girl’s stepfather and mother became concerned that she was going to become sexually active, so the stepfather allegedly approached Mosby about marrying the girl. The girl was “strongly encouraged” to wed Mosby, police said.

The stepfather, Mosby and the teen had several “sit downs” before the stepfather arranged for a religious ceremony on Aug. 4 at her home, not far from the stepfather’s mosque.

Two members of the mosque attended, but the bride “was not allowed to be present,” court records said. She waited in her room upstairs. Her stepfather allegedly came upstairs after the ceremony, which consisted of prayers and a contract signing, to announce that she was married.

There's more here.


#1 infidel said...

Unbelievable !

Dinah Lord said...

Riddle me this, #1 Infidel - why aren't the parents and the mosque being charged, too?